Travel Photography Tips and Ideas

1. Set your camera to shoot in burst mode Setting your camera to "burst" mode means that several shots will be taken with a single click of the shutter. This is especially helpful when you’re trying to take an action shot, like a whale breaching the water’s surface. Also, burst mode is a good idea when handing your camera to a stranger to take your photo. You will get several to choose from, instead of just one where you’re blinking and someone is photo-bombing in the background. I always have my camera set in burst mode so we can choose our favourite photo from a series. 2. Unfocused/Blurry Another easy method and very beautiful at night when you have colourful lights around you. On a DSLR you just have to set your lens to manual and unfocus. On your point and shoot camera, you can focus on a subject near you and then, while still holding your finger on the release button, move to the scene you want and take the picture. 3. Switch up your perspective. Looking up — or down —...